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How do You install surveillance cameras


    The installation of the surveillance camera is no longer as tedious as the traditional hard disk video recorder. Users can basically operate it as long as they follow the instructions. Some of the surveillance cameras are equipped with solar energy charging.

surveillance camera

    You can install the security camera by:

1. Get ready to install the supporting parts of the surveillance camera, including pliers, screwdriver, surveillance camera, surveillance camera power cord, surveillance camera bracket, chassis and TWO BNC connectors, connecting the BNC wire.

2. Pick up the surveillance camera bracket and install the chassis on the bracket.

3. Install the surveillance camera on the bracket.

4. Check whether the power supply of the surveillance camera is compatible with the surveillance camera.

5. Connect the power plug and the monitor camera plug.

6. Take the BNC line out and cut a small piece of the head to make the middle copper wire.

7. Take out the BNC interface, attach it and tighten it with a screwdriver.

8. Secure the bottom of the clamp with pliers.

9. The mobile phone can scan the QR code on the manual or download the APP on the website on the manual. After installation, the installation of the surveillance camera can be completed through the prompts of the software:

surveillance camera

    PS: If your surveillance camera is equipped with solar charging function, you can just connect the solar panel with the operation of the installation instructions.