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Does the webcam use electricity?


    Does the webcam use electricity? Do I need to connect the webcam to power? Some users think when they use a webcam that the webcam is connected 24 hours a year, how many kilowatt-hours does it take? Are there any webcams that aren't plugged in? Xiaobian to recommend you this battery network camera.

network camera

    Battery network camera, through the battery to the user's network camera power, the user also through the connection of the sun plate, to the battery power, the user does not need to worry about the network camera power consumption problem.

    Wireless network camera, installation is simple, compatible with all kinds of mainstream device, users only need to install the network camera fixed in place, the mobile phone to scan the wireless network on the camera qr code to download the client of form a complete set, installation can be according to the prompt operation connection after, can see if you need a family, can through sharing function, Share with 3 to 5 users for viewing.